The Complete List of Tree Symbolism

 57 min read

Trees have been around for centuries and are known to be aesthetically pleasing, but did you know that each type of tree has a different meaning? And depending on the culture, region or history, the tree symbolism can change entirely!

In addition, we humans are a reflective and spiritual species. Existing between the earthly and heavenly realms, we are beings of both worlds, and our life is constantly a balance and mixture of form and spirit, below as well as above. What more befitting symbol for this could there be than a tree with its roots in the ground yet its branches and leaves reaching up into the sky?

If you look at various ancient cultures from around the world, you’ll notice that many of them have some version of the Tree of Life or World Tree as a central religious image. This is because a tree with branches extending up and roots spreading out below is one of the best visual representations of Hermes Trismegistus’s famous spiritual and magical ideal “As above, so below”.

In other words, what happens in the physical world (below) mirrors what takes place in the spiritual realm (above), just like how astrologers believe that they can interpret messages about earthly events by reading the stars and planets.

Though we may have different opinions on whether or not nature spirits exist, one thing is for sure: being able to show compassion towards other living creatures, feeling thankful for life, and respecting all Earth’s inhabitants make us better people.

Furthermore, it helps us overcome greed and ignorance. The trees around us can teach us a lot about life and how valuable it is.

Tree Symbolism List

Depending on the culture, different tree species can have a secret meaning. Learn about these tree symbolisms and what meanings they have:

Acacia Tree (Acacia)

Acacia tree
Acacia tree

The acacia tree is a hardy species that thrives in warm climates and dry conditions. Its roots are strong and lengthy, designed to search for underground water sources. They also grow quickly but only have a lifespan of 20-30 years.

In addition, the acacia is resistant to most diseases which makes it an ideal haven for stinging ants. To keep predators and pesky animals away, the tree grows long thorns along its branches – making it rather unpleasant (and spikey) to those who would dare try munch on its leaves

The Koa, an acacia tree native to Hawaii, is most valuable for its stunning wood.

The Koa is an acacia tree that is indigenous to Hawaii. Its gorgeous wood makes it highly desired, and it also grows rapidly. Unfortunately, due to deforestation, only 10% of its original land area still has tree present. For this reason, the environmental protection of this species is crucial.

The wood Moses used to build the ark of the covenant was acacia. According to Egyptian myth, the first gods were born from a cosmic acacia tree. Osiris’s body was also encased by acacia. Interestingly, a thorny Egyptian tree is what ‘acacia’ originally meant in Greek – “akakia”.

The acacia tree symbolism is associated with divine authority, spiritual leadership, immortality, psychic connection, and protection.

The acacia tree is known for its ability to increase psychic ability and connect with the Divine. It also offers protection for those who are pursuing spiritual matters. In Freemasonry, the acacia tree symbolizes immortality.

Alder Tree (Alnus)

Alder tree
Alder tree

The alder tree flourishes in approximately 30 to 35 species. It reaches an astonishing height of 40 to 80 feet and is part of the birch family. It has light-gray bark covered with white bits and the leaves maintain their hue when they detach from the tree.

The alder, shrouded in centuries of magic, has been blooming near water sources for ages. It is often tied to secrecy and mythical creatures like fairies. Another great quality of the alder–if your soil isn’t ideal for growing things, it will help! The tree absorbs nitrogen from the air and returns it to the poor soil so that other plants can feed off of it.

This tree provides a haven for over seventy types of insects, making it an attractive destination for birds.

The Druids believed that the alder tree was the source of human life and that humankind had been born from it. They regarded it as a fairy tree, believing that spirits lived in it. So cutting down alder became major because the faeries would rise and burn your house down in revenge.

Alder tree is usually associated with mystery and fairies and its symbolism is often paired up with the following: balanced male-female energy, resurrection, rebirth, land healing, protection, confidence, courage and strength to face hardships.

Almond Tree (Prunus dulcis)

Almond tree
Almond tree

Almond trees are some of the oldest nut trees cultivated by man, native to Iran and areas around it. They were ground into flour and served in bread to ancient pharaohs! As merchants traveled the silk road long ago, they realized that these snacks helped pass time pleasantly. Consequently, when they stopped in Spain and Italy eventually, they decided to bring back saplings so that everyone could grow their almond tree!

Not only is the almond tree beautiful, but it is also very resilient. It can grow up to thirty-five feet and has gorgeous pink blossoms. The almond tree is one of the first trees to flower in springtime, meaning it blooms before most other flowers have even had a chance to poke through the ground. This makes it brave susceptible ability to withstand a spring frost yet still bloom magnificently.

Some say that if you keep an almond in your pocket, it will help you find lost things. Others believe that carrying an almond in your wallet will bring you good luck and prosperity.

Almond tree symbolism is often associated with the following: beauty, fertility, goodness, energy, grief, hidden treasures, hope and clairvoyance.

Apple Tree (Malus domestica)

Apple tree
Apple tree

The apple tree is often forgotten as a member of the rose family, though it dates back to 2000 BCE in Kazakhstan. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, apples were not the fruit that brought down Adam and Eve.

In the second century, Aquila Ponticus translated the word mălum (which means evil) to be an apple. He did this by using the Greek word for apple: mālum. This change seems small because only one tiny mark over the letter “a” is different. Nevertheless, his translation created centuries of prejudice against apples. However, Islamic tradition often portrays the forbidden fruit as a fig or olive instead of an apple.

Greek Mythology often features the apple tree. For example, it decided the ultimate prize in marriages and even wars. In addition, Arthurian Legends contain stories of the golden apples in Avalon (a mythical island where wounded warriors heal). Another story involving apples is from Hercules’ Twelve Labors, during which he was dispatched to fetch golden apples from the Hesperides.

Chinese culture holds apples in high regard, as they represent peace and wisdom. Apples also symbolize joy, fertility, rebirth, and youthfulness. Of course, the golden apple is a highly coveted prize due to its association with the Tree of Knowledge. Adam and Eve’s paradise was lost when they took a bite out of the fruit of this tree.

The apple tree symbolism has a lot of meanings associated with winning, conquest, the ultimate prize, the golden apple and happiness.

Ash Tree (Fraxinus)

Ash tree
Ash tree

Sixty-five different types of ash trees exist in the world. The most frequently seen ash tree in regions such as the United Kingdom and Europe is called Fraxinus Excelsior scientists.

When two or more trees are gathered, they form a canopy dome. Ashes prefer warm and cool climates and can grow anywhere from 30 to 120 feet tall. They produce small purple flowers in clusters that are pollinated by the wind. Ash is a smokeless burning wood that gives off moderate heat.

Ash trees, or rowan trees as it’s sometimes called, were seen as having healing qualities by the ancient Irish. They along with the oak and hawthorn were known as the trilogies of sacred trees.

The ash tree is a symbol of spiritual love and physical health. Faeries have a special affinity for ash trees and feel comfortable in their presence. It is said that a wooden staff made from an ash tree has the power and authority of The World Tree. Odin’s spear was carved from ash wood.

Ash tree symbolism is equivalent to the following: strength, power, divine connection, authority and protection.

Aspen Tree (Populus tremuloides)

Aspen trees
Aspen trees

Aspen is a type of tree that thrives in colder regions of North America. It goes by many names, such as quaking aspen, trembling aspen, American aspen, mountain or golden aspen, trembling poplar, white poplar and popple.

There are several different species of aspens and they grow quickly but only live for a maximum of twenty-five years.

The aspen is beautiful to look at because it has smooth bark and golden leaves during the fall. Some say it quakes because it is ashamed that its wood was used for Jesus’s cross but if the true cross had ever been found, it was likely made from oak, cypress, sycamore, or cedar—the trees that were flourishing in the area at that time.

Aspen forests have long been seen as sacred by many cultures. The wind rustling through the leaves is thought to be the voice of the spirit, and the tree is believed to encourage contemplation and meditation.

According to many cultures, the wood from aspen trees has protective powers against spiritual harm and spells. Leaves from these trees were once placed under the tongue of those who needed help being more eloquent – a gift given by the Faerie Queen. Aspens are also used to protect your belongings from thieves. In general, this tree brings messages of peace.

Aspen tree symbolism represents communication with the next world, protection from spiritual harm, eloquence and peace.

Avocado Tree (Persea)

Avocado tree
Avocado tree

Egyptians considered the avocado tree holy, and they would fashion magical wands from its wood. Wood cuttings from this very tree were used in sacrificial fires. It’s no wonder why though – the avocado tree can grow fifty to sixty feet high!

Approximately twenty cultivars of the Persea tree exist in different parts of the world. It’s important not to confuse this species with Persea americana, which is cultivated and grown in Mexico. The ancient Egyptians venerated the Persea tree so much that Emperor Arcadius forbade anyone from selling or uprooting any trees within Egypt. Furthermore, evidence suggests that this sacredness surrounding the Persea Mimusops carried over into temples, tombs, and even pyramids.

Archeologists believe the avocado tree first originated in Mesoamerica around 5000 BCE, though the tree may be even older. During the Spanish Christianization of South America, the Incas in Peru used avocados as an aphrodisiac and they are represented on the Mayan calendar. The conquerors took trees back to Spain where Europeans named them after Spanish Fruit. The Aztec name for avocado was “ahuacatl”, meaning testicle.

It is said that planting an avocado tree in your yard will help to bring love into the home.

Avocado tree symbolism is often associated with rebirth, lust, beauty and ultimate love.

Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis)

Banyan tree
Banyan tree

The Banyan tree is found in many tropical and subtropical areas, including Pakistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Central America, South America and a few parts of the United States.

The Latin name for fig comes from its genus, while the species refers to Bengal city located in India. It was named after the traders called banians who would make their trade deals under its shade.

One remarkable quality of this tree is that it has above-ground roots which grow in damp and marshy soils. To support the grand trunk, the roots stretch out over a wider surface area. The leaves are so large, tough, and leather-like that many native peoples use the leaves as plates or for shelter.

The Banyan tree is called Kalpavriksha in Hindu mythology, which means the tree fulfills the wishes of devotees and provides them with material gains.

The Banyan tree is an extraordinary plant that can live for two hundred years. It symbolizes Yama, the God of death in some cultures, and represents one’s spiritual aspirations. The hermit archetype often uses the Banyan tree as a symbol.

The banyan tree symbolism is associated with immortality, longevity, death and hermit.

Baobab Tree (Adansonia)

Baobab tree
Baobab tree

According to legend, the unusual shape of baobab trees is due to the devil pulling them out of the ground and sticking them headfirst back into the ground, leaving their roots in the air. These long-lived trees have barrel-like trunks and are native to Africa.

The baobab tree, which at first glance appears quite odd-looking, is called the Tree of Life. This is because it can provide various types of sustenance like shelter and clothing for animals and humans in the savannah regions of Africa. Out of all eight different species of baobab trees, this particular one has a very long lifespan; some have even been known to live up to three thousand years! In terms of size, they are also incredibly massive; ranging from sixteen feet up to ninety-eight feet in height with trunk diameters measuring twenty-three to thirty-six feet around.

Folklore tells us that spirits reside inside the tree–harming it might anger these spirits.

The Baobab tree is called the Tree of Life in Africa.

The baobab tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like the following: ancient awareness, divine communication, blessings, earth wisdom, knowledge, spiritual power and sustenance.

Beech Tree (Fagus)

Beech tree
Beech tree

There are three types of beech trees: notable, veteran, and ancient. The most ancient beech trees can range from 175 to upwards of 225 years old. Veteran beeches fall between 125 and 200 years old, while a notable beech may only be 75 to 150 (Woodland Trust 2021). These age-old favorites are often used to line streets and fill courtyards. One of the most famous groves made up entirely of Beech Trees is the dark hedges in Northern Ireland which were featured heavily in Game of Thrones.

The beech is widely known as the Queen Mother of Woods, while the oak rightfully holds its title as the King of Woods.

It is said that under a beech tree, your wishes and prayers go straight to heaven and keeping slivers of the wood with you will protect you.

Beech tree symbolism is often associated with the protection of the heart, trust, new growth, unlocking wisdom, nurturing, knowledge and letting go of old ways.

Birch Tree (Betula)

Birch tree
Birch tree

The birch tree (Betula) has many different color variations, such as black, yellow, paper, gray and red. They are all named for the corresponding color of their bark. These trees have small leaves and cylindrical cones filled with samara (fruit), containing over one million seeds in total. What sets these trees apart is their thin bark in comparison to other types of trees.

Due to its beauty, the birch tree is commonly used for ornamental purposes. In addition to being tall and elegant with unique markings, this type of tree also happens to be short-lived yet fast-growing — it’s also quite flexible too!

Depending on the climate and soil conditions, birch trees have a lifespan of anywhere from thirty to two hundred years.

Birch trees are known as the White Ladies of the Woods. They stand tall, elegant, strong, and beautiful. They are usually the first to show signs of life in the spring and were some of the first trees to grow after the ice age. Birch grows everywhere in northern climates, except for perhaps the coldest places on earth.

“Birch has the fresh innocence of a maiden woman, generous like a mother figure and silent courage like an elder woman”.

According to ancient texts, the white bark of Birch trees illuminates the darkness in deep forests at night. They were used as ladders for those searching for entrance into the spirit world, and it was said that these seekers would go into trances before beginning their journey upward. Having a birch tree grove nearby provided protection from negative spirits and magic spells.

The birch tree symbolism comes with a lot of meanings like the following: renewal, protection, new beginnings and blessings.

Boswellia Tree (Boswellia serrata) and (Boswellia sacra)

Boswellia tree
Boswellia tree

The frankincense tree, also called the olibanum tree, has been around for centuries. Its sap is used in religious ceremonies and ritualistic practices as a symbol of purification, protection, consecration, and healing. although historians have found records of its existence dating back to 1500 BCE, it is most likely that the tree dates back a few thousand years earlier than that.

The Boswellia sacra tree, which grows to a height of six to twenty-six feet, produces sap when it is eight to ten years old. Its thriving locations include the dry, mountainous regions of India, Africa and the Middle East. You might see this smaller species growing in an unusual place like a crevice or mountain slope.

The bark is so thin that it looks like paper. To get it from the tree, you have to be very careful not to tear it. There’s a legend that when the Phoenix bird rises from the ashes, she makes her nest in this Boswellia tree.

The boswellia tree symbolism is often associated with protection, healing, consecration and purification.

Cedar Tree (Cedrus)

Cedar tree
Cedar tree

The cedar tree thrives in the Mediterranean and western Himalayan mountains. Specifically, it is found at altitudes of 3,200 to 7,000 feet in the former region and 5,000 to 10,500 feet in the latter.

The cedar tree has a long and varied history. It was used by King Solomon for the construction of his temple, and by the Phoenicians to build ships. The resin from these trees was also extensively used in Ancient Egyptian mummification processes.

However, over time the Cedars of Lebanon were nearly destroyed through overuse, but have since begun growing anew thanks to reforestation efforts. Now though, climate change poses the biggest threat to these impressive trees.

A few of the trees are more than three thousand years old.

The cedar tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like strength, longevity, eternity, gateway to higher realms and prosperity.

Cherry Tree (Cerasus)

Cherry tree
Cherry tree

In 1912, Yukio Ozaki, the mayor of Tokyo, gifted the USA with three thousand cherry trees. They were planted in Washington D.C., and in 1915, the United States reciprocated by gifting Japan with flowering dogwoods.

As the first tree to blossom in spring, the cherry tree symbolizes new beginnings and hope. The snow melting away after a long winter can give people a sense of rebirth, and this is what the cherry blossoms represent.

What many people don’t know is that cherries are related to peaches, plums, apricots, and almonds. They’re also cousins to apples, pears, and hawthorns. All of these plants belong to the rose family—and this becomes evident when you take a closer look at their flowers.

The fruit of the tree is most often found in a heart shape, approximately 2 cm. wide. Its exterior coloration can range from yellow to red, and even nearly black.

Cherry tree symbolism is associated with the following: new awakenings, rebirth, love, romance, and going forward. A cherry tree also represents survival, fertility, stability, and focus.

Chestnut Tree (Castanea sativa or Dentata)

Chestnut tree
Chestnut tree

Since 2000 BCE, chestnut trees have been grown and used for their edible nuts. The nuts are a valuable source of food that is starchy and can be used to make flour or dishes that look like potatoes. In modern times, nine different types of chestnut trees grow in temperate areas around the world.

Chestnut trees can grow to be over one hundred feet tall. They were first favored by the Romans in the sixteenth century but soon became a favorite among Europeans. There is an old Corsican wedding tradition that says couples should prepare twenty-two different chestnut dishes to serve on their wedding day.

Do not confuse the Castanea horse chestnuts with the Aesculus horse chestnuts, as the latter are inedible and poisonous to humans and animals.

The chestnut tree is a focal point in George Orwell’s 1984. It is referenced in many of the poems recited by the characters and refers to nature, modern life, or the saying: “that old chestnut”.

The chestnut tree symbolism has many meanings like life, fertility, birth, sustenance and it is called the “bread tree” from ancient times.

Coconut Tree (Cocos nucifera L.)

Coconut tree
Coconut tree

There are two types of coconut trees: dwarf and tall. Dwarf coconut trees can grow as high as 60 feet, while tall coconut trees can reach 98 feet. The fruit produced by these trees is called a drupe, and it takes one year to mature.

Coconut tree roots expand horizontally, growing outwards from the base of the tree to a distance equal to its height.

Many people think of coconuts as only growing in tropical destinations near the coast, but they can be grown indoors too. What’s interesting is that coconut trees only sprout from their seed; you can’t use cuttings or graft a tree-like with other plants.

To see if a coconut is ready to be planted, give it a shake – if you hear a ‘sloshing’ sound, then it’s good to go!

The coconut is called The Tree of Life because it produces shelter, food, and liquid for humans and animals and It represents purity and healing.

Coffee Tree (Coffea)

Coffee trees
Coffee trees

There are more than ninety species of Coffea, which are shrubs or small trees in the Rubiaceae family. These classically native plants to subtropical Africa and southern Asia have seeds that several popular beverages, like coffee, come from.

The coffee plant produces cherries that can be any color from green to red to yellow. The coffee bean is the seed of the cherry, and it must be removed from its covering and dried before anyone can make a cup of coffee.

Coffee comes from the seeds of either Arabica or Robusta plants. Most coffee is made with Arabica beans, which come from trees grown in steep terrains at specific temperatures. Robusta beans make up a smaller portion of the world’s supply, but they have more caffeine than Arabica beans.

The coffee tree’s fruit is determined by numerous conditions such as climate, elevation, and latitude. For example, latitudes affect the time of harvest while elevations determine the acidity or sweetness levels of the seeds.

Coffee beans were a huge mystery in Europe for centuries. But by the seventeenth century, this dark drink had found its way to the continent and become popular. The new “invention” brewed up controversy among those who called it “the bitter invention of Satan” and thought it was pure corruption.

However, in 1615 Pope Clement VIII accepted an offer to try a hot coffee drink before making a final spiritual decision about it. He liked it and then he baptized the beans to make them Christianized and therefore no longer under Satan’s control.

The coffee tree is often related to emotions, changes, transformation, friendship and balance.

Cottonwood Tree (Populus)

Cottonwood tree
Cottonwood tree

The cottonwood tree is a landscaper and shade tree favorite for its rapid growth. It can grow up to several feet in one season, making it perfect for areas that experience flooding or erosion. cottonwood is also called a poplar tree.

The cottonwood tree’s five-pointed star-shaped flowers bloom in the early spring. Native Americans believed that the seeds of the cottonwood tree scattered across the sky to create stars.

The legend goes that the spirit of the wind created a mighty gale to snap the branches off of cottonwood trees because it knew the stars were hiding in them. As the branches broke and fell, the stars shot out into the sky.

The dangling clusters of the cottonwood tree, called catkins, bloom in April and May. The masses that look like cotton on the tree are seeds that have been carried by the wind. This incredible plant grows six feet a year and can reach up to one hundred feet!

Cottonwoods are prevalent in North America, Europe, and some parts of Asia. They do well in wetlands and arid soil while yielding inexpensive timber.

The cottonwood tree’s thick bark protects it from fire and heat, proving its resiliency in harsh conditions such as droughts or forest fires.

The cottonwood tree symbolism is often associated with the following: hope, healing, transformation, ancient wisdom and ancestors.

Cypress Tree (Cupressus)

Cypress tree
Cypress tree

The Persians consider the cypress tree to be sacred and believe it was the first tree to grow in paradise. These trees are usually eighty feet high, with a pyramidal shape that points upwards.

Cypress trees have knees (little knobs that form on the tree as woody growths), which is unique among all trees. The cypress is both deciduous and a conifer – meaning its seeds come from cones.

The cypress tree is known to be symbolic of death and rebirth. Its evergreen leaves represent eternal life, making it a popular choice to plant near burial grounds as a symbol of protection and longevity. In ancient times, wreaths were made from the branches of the cypress tree as an offering to Pluto, the god said to rule over the underworld.

The cypress tree symbolism has a lot of meanings which include: immortality, protection, longevity and past lives.

Dogwood Tree (Cornus)

Dogwood tree
Dogwood tree

There are over fifty species of tree within the Cornus, or dogwood, genus. The trees grow well near water but do not thrive in overly moist soil. It is advised to plant your dogwood in places where deer cannot reach them because they are irresistible to some wildlife.

The name ‘dogwood’ comes from the word ‘dog-tree’, introduced into English in 1548. Shakespeare wrote of the tree about Hecate in Macbeth.

The dogwood tree became famous because of Thomas Jefferson. They grew a lot on his Monticello estate in Virginia and he liked them so much that he convinced the state decision-makers to pick dogwood as its official state flower.

Many states have similar festivals celebrating the dogwood flower, which is also the state flower of Missouri. The tree is significant to North Carolina and Virginia as well.

The dogwood tree has long been thought to provide humans with everything from wands and arrows, to spears, and daggers back in ancient times.

Today, dogwood is commonly given as a gift between suitors. In the Middle Ages, if a maiden was given a bouquet of dogwood by her suitor and she returned it- she wasn’t interested. However, If she kept the flowers then this meant that she encouraged his advances.

Fun fact: Did you know that on Midsummer Eve- if you place the sap of a Dogwood tree onto a handkerchief and carry it faithfully- your wishes will be granted?

The dogwood tree symbolism is often associated with secrets, loyalty, protection and wishes.

Elder Tree (Sambucus nigra)

Elder tree
Elder tree

The elder is a common plant found in many countries. It has a variety of disguises and goes by many names, such as elder, elderberry, black elder, European Elder, European Elderberry, and European Black Elderberry. The plant thrives in different types of weather conditions and various kinds of soils – both wet and dry fertile ones. The elders love the sun but can be poisonous to mammals if ingested.

Out of all the Ogham trees, Elder has the strongest fairy connections and is associated with witch superstitions and magical protection. According to ancient beliefs, Elder signals the end of a cycle or problem and heralds a rebirth. The Elder Mother is said to live within this tree.

Many believe that planting an elder tree by your home will keep evil spirits away. In Denmark, the elder tree has deep associations with magic and mystery.

Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, is said to have hanged himself from an elder tree.

The elder tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like transformation, death, regeneration, healing and protection.

Elm Tree (Ulmus)

Elm tree
Elm tree

The elm tree is an ancient species that has been around for over 20 million years. It’s a beautiful tree with graceful, vase-shaped branches and oval leaves edged with green teeth. It’s been used to decorate public places for centuries.

In 1188, the king of England and the king of France discussed Gisors in Normandy, France. The English king stood under an elm tree in the shade during the discussions while the French king stood in the hot sun. After their exchanges,  the sunburnt French ordered his men to chop down the elm tree. The innocent tree received the brunt of the French displeasure regarding shade–and now nobody gets any shade!

The elm tree is a hardwood tree that was once popular in the United States. Many people planted them in urban centers and to line city streets. However, tragedy struck when Dutch Elm Disease ravaged much of the elm population in the mid-1900s.

Elm is a symbol of endurance, fertility, and rebirth. It also represents stability and grounding for the user.

Elm tree symbolism is identical with the following meanings: nobility, open-mindedness, communication, relationships and feminine power.

Eucalyptus Tree (Eucalyptus)

Eucalyptus tree
Eucalyptus tree

The Eucalyptus genus comprises over 800 tall trees and shrubs that belong to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae).

The eucalyptus trees, more commonly known as gum trees, originated from Australia, Tasmania, and nearby islands. They can grow up to sixty feet tall and are the main food source for koala bears.

These trees grow quickly and their lumber is both tough and resilient. In addition, the wood burns well and the oils in the leaves have been used as medicine by Aboriginal tribes for centuries. The tree got its name from English explorer Captain James Cook who first brewed tea using the leaves before taking samples back to England in 1770.

This tree is the tallest flowering gum tree on earth. However, it can be dangerous during a firestorm because the leaves are full of oil and could explode.

Eucalyptus tree symbolism is often associated with the division between heaven and Earth, purification, cleansing and healing.

Fig Tree (Ficus carica)

Fig tree
Fig tree

Unlike today, Adam and Eve’s first designer clothing wasn’t from Gucci or Versace–it was fig leaves. Furthermore, the fig is mentioned in Deuteronomy 8:8 as a type of fruit that grows in the Promised Land.

The fig tree has been famous and important for many centuries. It is a pantropical species, which means it can grow in tropical climates all around the world. We think of the fruit as simply a fig, but it is a syconium. Fig trees are long-lived; they can live for up to 100 years and grow to be 50 feet tall. They flourish best in hot, dry, arid climates because syconia need potent sunlight that lasts all day long to ripen properly.

The oldest living tree that was planted on purpose is the Ficus religiosa, more commonly known as the Sri Maha Bodhi. According to legend, this is the very tree that Buddha sat under when he achieved Enlightenment. It was first planted in 288 BCE.

The Romans held the fig sacred, and the Buddhists view it as enlightenment. Fig tree symbolism is often associated with fertility, protection, sacredness, enlightenment and strength.

Fir Tree (Abies)

Fir trees
Fir trees

Fir trees belong to the genus Abies and are a part of the pine family, Pinaceae. They can be identified by their soft cones that sit upright on branches like candles. The Douglas fir is a prototype for the Christmas tree and there are fifty-six known species of fir trees.

Fir trees can grow to staggering heights of up to 250 feet and have been known to live for over 500 years. They predominantly occupy mountainous regions but are also home to monarch butterflies.

Fir trees were held sacred by the Druids, and burning them in ceremonial fires was common during Samhain and Beltane celebrations.

Fir tree symbolism comes in a lot of meanings like protection, spiritual honesty, truth, youth, vitality and immortality.

Ginkgo Tree (Gingko biloba)

Ginkgo tree
Ginkgo tree

The ginkgo, also known as the maidenhair tree, is a species that dates back 200 million years. It’s the only remaining non-extinct member of its class, and it has fossils dating back just as long.

Not only is the ginkgo tree stunningly beautiful, with fan-shaped leaves that turn a mesmerizing yellow in autumn, but it is also a very hearty species of tree. It does well in most climates, including harsh urban areas where other trees wouldn’t be able to survive. For example, ginkgo trees are often used to line streets because they can withstand salt from snow control and pet waste as well as cold temperatures and strong winds–tortures that would kill many other types of trees.

The ginkgo is 200 million years old and has not changed during that time, making it a living fossil. It’s amazing to think that this tree existed at the same time as dinosaurs.

The yellow fruits have stinky seed pods, but if you’re gutsy enough to crack them open, the seeds are delish. Just be careful – they’re only mildly toxic, so it’s best not to eat too many at once.

The ginkgo tree symbolism is associated with magic, longevity, fertility and prosperity.

Hawthorn Tree (Crataegus)

Hawthorn tree
Hawthorn tree

The hawthorn tree, Crataegus, subsists of hundreds of species in the rose family (Rosaceae). They usually grow fifteen to fifty feet tall and eight to thirty-five feet wide, depending on the type. You can find them planted in gardens and as part of the ancient Celtic landscape.

The hawthorn was celebrated for its beauty and ability to sustain life–so much so that it was revered and feared due to its association with fairies.

The white or pink apple-blossom-like flowers of the tree provide a pleasant fragrance, and the fruits resemble rose hips. The trees bloom in various colors—red, orange, yellow, or black.

The edible fruit is classified as pomes (similar to apples and pears), is produced in fall, and lasts through winter; It also has multiple culinary and medicinal uses. Lastly, the fruit serves as a food source for robins waxwings, and other songbirds.

The hawthorn tree has enchanting blossoms that disguise its long thorns. If these thorns scrape or puncture you, they can cause infection or an allergic reaction.

Hawthorn tree symbolism is associated with the following: renewal, fertility, cleansing, married love, the balance of opposites, looking deeper, communication with the spirit world.

Hazel Tree (Corylus)

Hazel tree
Hazel tree

The hazel trees’ height ranges from 10 to 120 feet. They are part of the birch family (Betulaceae), and their nuts are sought-after by humans, squirrels, and other wildlife alike. Hazelnut trees have flexible stems, making them one of the most useful tree species around. They play a key role in conservation efforts because they provide homes for many animals, birds, and insects.

In Celtic times, hazelwood was known as the Tree of Knowledge and was one of nine sacred trees. It was considered bad luck to chop down a hazel tree, and doing so was even punishable by death! Hazelwood could only be used for ceremonial or community fires — never in homes.

It is rumored that if you want your wishes to come true, you should make a crown of hazelwood leaves, wear them for one hour, and think of the wishes you want to be granted.

Hazel tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like wisdom, chastity, spirituality, prophecy, healing and fertility.

Hemlock Tree (Tsuga canadensis)

Hemlock tree
Hemlock tree

The hemlock tree is a tall, slender pyramidal tree with horizontal branches. It can grow to be seventy-five feet high and is distinguished by its purplish or reddish-brown bark. Its leaves are short and blunt, growing in cushions from the twigs. Small cones hang from the tips of the branches, and the needles are pleasantly fragrant.

Do not mistake hemlock for poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), which is native to Europe and Asia. Poison hemlock looks similar to fennel, parsley, Queen Anne’s lace, and wild carrot because it comes from the same family. However, every part of this plant can kill animals and humans if consumed in large enough quantities.

After being found guilty of corrupting Athenian youth, the Greek philosopher Socrates was given a potion made with poison hemlock. Poison hemlock contains the neurotoxin coniine that causes the central nervous system to shut down.

Hemlock tree symbolism is often associated with vulnerability, yin, introspection, shelter, inner knowing and radical transformation.

Holly Tree (Ilex aquifolium)

Holly tree
Holly tree

Holly trees can reach a height of fifty feet, with dark green leaves that are sharp and shiny to the touch. The berries on the holly tree are usually red, adding a splash of color among the deep greens. Holly trees can grow as either single-trunked or multi-stemmed thickets, depending on their location. In some cultures, holly is considered sacred; in others, it’s nothing more than an annoyance taking up space in the yard.

The Celts believed that evergreens and holly bushes provided a home for sylvan spirits during Alban Arthan (Winter Solstice) and Yule. Today’s Western Christmas decorations come from the customs of ancient Romans, who sent boughs and other presents to their friends during Saturnalia. Holly is technically a hardwood since its leaves last for three years, making it an evergreen as well.

In ancient times, Celtic leaders would wear a holly wreath as a sign of good luck. Holly was given its name to celebrate the birth of the new holly king and symbolized the passing of the oak king (halfway through the year). The Druids believed that holly provided safeguards, so they often adorned themselves with it in their hair.

The Christian holly legend says that the berries were once white, but they turned red when Jesus wore a holly wreath as his martyr’s crown.

Holly tree symbolism is associated with unconditional love, sacred, reincarnation, protection against evil and material fortune.

Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

Jaracanda tree
Jaracanda tree

Approximately fifty species of jacaranda exist, and the Guarani language associates the word “jacaranda” with the meaning of fragrant.

Every year, the jacaranda trees in Los Angeles put on a vibrant purple display that is unlike anything else I have ever seen. The streets are lined with these massive blooming trees, and their branches fill the sky so that you can barely see the sun. The sight is magnificent, and the perfume from the blossoms is intoxicating. For a month, lawns and sidewalks are covered in what looks like purple blossom snow. It’s truly an annual party for these amazing trees.

The jacarandas Spectacular held in Los Angeles every year is in thanks to Katherine Olivia “Kate” Sessions (1857–1940), a horticulturist and botanist. In 1933, the jacaranda was recognized as the most exotic tree in Los Angeles.

The jacaranda tree is one of the hardiest trees around, able to withstand drought and full sun. They grow fast, often reaching 40 feet in height, and can live for centuries with proper care.

The Daughter of the Moon is a well-known legend who came down from the jacaranda tree to teach mortals about ethics and morality. Once she had finished her lessons, she flew back up into the sky.

The jacaranda tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like wisdom, wealth, good luck and rebirth.

Juniper Tree (Juniperus)

Juniper tree
Juniper tree

Though there is still some discrepancy, many professionals agree that around fifty species of juniper exist in the world. Regardless of this debate, however, what we do know for certain is that these trees are stunning and can be found all over the northern hemisphere; they stretch from the Arctic tundra to tropical Africa and even high up into Central American mountain ranges.

Junipers come in all shapes and sizes, from towering trees that stand 65 to 130 feet tall, to low-lying shrubs with delicate branches. No matter the form they take, junipers are sure to add beauty and interest to your landscape.

The Juniperus virginiana, better known as the “red cedar,” is often used in drawers and closets.

The juniper tree symbolism is often associated with the purification of home, funerary rites, banishing evil spells, undoing curses and protection.

Lemon Tree (Citrus Limon)

Lemon tree
Lemon tree

Citrus trees grow best in warm and humid tropical or subtropical climates. Lemon trees, unfortunately, do not fare well in cold temperatures or around frost. If you live in a colder climate but still want to grow your lemon tree, consider growing Meyer lemons as they adapt well to indoor conditions.

There are twenty-plus different varieties of lemons, from Persian to Baboon to Femminello to Bush lemons, grown everywhere from Brazil and Italy to Australia and the Himalayas. Each lemon variety is unique in its flavor, texture, color, and shape.

All lemon trees have one thing in common: they produce a fruit that is loved and used by multiple cultures around the globe. The lemon is used in medicine, healing, cooking, cleaning, and as an offering to gods and goddesses of various regions.

The lemon tree symbolism is associated with fertility, uplifting, happiness, joy, cleansing, love, light and divination.

Linden Tree (Tilia europaca)

Linden tree
Linden tree

The linden tree, more commonly known as the basswood or lime tree, is part of the Tilia genus– not to be confused with the fruit-bearing bush of the same name. Linden trees are adored for their stunning foliage and heavy flowering ability; they also produce delicious honey-nectar.

Mostly located in Europe and North America, you can also find these trees sporadically in Asia. Usually planted as street trees or in parks because of their grand size, lindens produce flowers that are oval-shaped with a pointed tip after pollination. With undertones of spice and honey, the Linden blossom smell is unique and pleasant.

The Linden tree is balanced, contains both male and female parts that need insects for pollination.

Liden tree symbolism has a lot of meanings like tranquillity, love, longevity and prophecy.

Mahogany Tree (Swietenia mahagoni)

Mahogany tree
Mahogany tree

The mahogany tree can grow anywhere from fifty to two hundred feet tall, and six feet in diameter. The name of the tree derives from its rich, dark wood color. They’re commonly found in hot climates like South Florida, the Bahamas, Honduras, Borneo and throughout the Caribbean. In addition, bees love the flowers on mahogany trees and produce excellent honey from their blossoms.

In nature, these trees provide shade and decoration. They are proud, towering plants that radiate strength. Their impressive stature commands respect and they can even withstand being struck by lightning; because of this, they are considered magical.

The tree’s hardwood is valuable and makes stunning, one-of-a-kind furniture.

Mahogany tree symbolism is associated with safety, strength, protection and magic.

Magnolia Tree (Magnolia grandiflora)

Magnolia trees
Magnolia trees

There are eighty unique species of the magnolia tree. It is also informally known as Champa. The champaca tree, which bears striking golden blossoms, is a variety of magnolia. While both oils boast pleasant aromas, champaca essential oil is significantly more expensive at triple the price per fluid ounce than regular magnolia essential oil.

The magnolia is a magnificent tree that can grow up to sixty feet tall and lives for approximately 120 years. What’s so unique about the flowering magnolia tree is its single taproot instead of many, and its blossoms are only ready for fertilization by beetles for one or two days until the season closes.

The flowers come in colors like green, pink, purple, white, and yellow. The magnolia is an ancient plant; it existed on Earth ninety-six million years ago. Over time, they adapted their flowers to become attractive to beetles since beetles are now their only pollinator and the key to their propagation.

The stunning magnolia, having evolved for millions of years, is naturally resistant to pests. Also known as the ‘soul of the stars’, it is said that the goddess Venus herself bestowed upon this tree its intoxicating fragrance. In China, magnolias have long been symbols of feminine beauty and gentle nature.

The magnolia tree symbolism includes adaptability, healing, love, loyalty and rest.

Maple Tree (Acer)

Maple tree
Maple tree

The maple tree is a deciduous tree, meaning it loses its leaves in the fall. It’s easily recognized by its distinctive leaf shape. There are 128 different species of maple trees, including sugar maple, black maple, and Japanese maple. The sugar Maple is even the national tree of Canada!

While all trees produce either sap or resin, the sugar maple is special because its sap is used to make delicious things like pancakes with golden syrup. Deciduous trees lose their leaves seasonally, while non-deciduous trees maintain their needles year-round.

The sugar maple, more formally known as Acer pseudoplatanus, is one of the most common types of maple in Europe. The tree has been around for over 100 million years and can live to be 600 years old. It’s important not to confuse this sycamore with the ancient Egyptian sycamore fig – they are two different trees entirely.

These trees have been providing us with shade for thousands of years, and they will continue to do so as long as there is oxygen and water.

The maple tree symbolism includes development, perseverance, vitality, humility and harmony.

Mulberry Tree (Morus)

Mulberry tree
Mulberry tree

Mulberry might not be something you think about often, but this tree has many fascinating features. For example, it can grow to be sixty feet tall and generally prefers to live in moist forests by waterways. Additionally, mulberries are part of the fig family and there are sixteen types of mulberries in total. After a Mulberry tree reaches ten years old, it produces fruit that comes in black, purple, pink, red or white flowers.

The white mulberry tree is the primary food source for the silkworm and serves as a place for them to build their cocoons.

The mulberry tree is a popular subject in paintings by Vincent Van Gogh. Some believe that Alexander the Great drank mulberry juice for strength while conquering Persia and India.

The mulberry tree symbolism comes with many meanings, like the following: balance, defense, bravery and wisdom.

Myrtle Tree (Myrtus)

Myrtle tree
Myrtle tree

The myrtle tree is a symbol of Aphrodite. The goddess was often shown wearing a myrtle crown, sprig, or wreath in her hair.

The myrtle tree produces blooms in beautiful colors such as pink, purple, and even red. It is a very elegant-looking tree that will surely captivate anyone who sees it. One of the best things about the myrtle tree is that it blooms during mid-summer and continues to bloom throughout fall, giving onlookers a stunning display of color that they can enjoy for months on end.

To keep your myrtle plant healthy and happy, it requires a mild climate and regular fertilization. With the proper attention, your myrtle will thrive.

Athena turned Myrsine into a myrtle bush in mythology because she won over a male competitor in the games. The victory crowns for the winners were made from myrtle leaves. Athena did Myrsine a favor because she would be looked up to and forever on the heads of the winning athletes of the Olympic Games. Myrtle was also used during funeral rites as a homage to the deceased in ancient Greece. Myrtle berries were turned into ink and used as an indelible dye for fabric back then.

In England, a sweet tradition began with Queen Victoria in 1840 when she married Albert. In her bouquet were myrtle sprigs because they represented love. After the wedding, Victoria planted the myrtle sprig from her bouquet in her garden on the Isle of Wight. British royal brides since then have carried a bouquet containing a sprig plucked from that same shrub.

Myrtle tree symbolism includes love, longevity, strength, stability and enterprising.

Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica)

Neem tree
Neem tree

The neem tree, a relative of mahogany, grows quickly and is also known as “Nimtree” or “Indian lilac.” Reaching fifty to one hundred feet in height, this fragrant-flowered tree has small fruits that resemble olives. Native to Asia, the neem tree flourishes mostly in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Burma although it cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. The neem is adaptable to different types of soil but does best in rocky or sandy conditions.

For centuries, the tree has been held in high esteem due to the belief that it can cure a multitude of illnesses. Some proponents even claim it is a remedy for any ailment.

The neem tree is still worshipped as a holy tree by rural Indians in south-central India. In the Telugu language, Neem is called the Vepa or purifier of air. It is believed that merely having a neem tree near human dwellings improves human health and acts as a prevention against malarial fever and cholera.

Neem tree symbolism is often associated with purification and universal healing.

Oak Tree (Quercus)

Oak tree
Oak tree

There are over five hundred species of oak. Every country or region has an oak with a specialized name. The acorn is the most famous part of the oak, but the tree is also renowned as a food source for almost every creature in the forest, from squirrels and mice to rats, deer, pigs, bears, and birds like woodpeckers and ducks.

An oak tree can live for over a thousand years, growing up to 150 feet tall. In its final years, it stops producing acorns. Yet in its lifetime, it produces enough acorns to grow an entire forest. Because of how large and strong they are, along with their productivity, ancient cultures considered them The Tree of Life.

If you want to find truffles, look for oak trees. Truffle farmers don’t plant the fungi; instead, they cultivate oak trees in the hopes that they will create an ideal environment for truffle growth.

Sibilla, a prophetess, announced her prophecies while standing under a sacred oak. The Druids and ancient Celts who practiced Germanic paganism saw oaks as particularly holy trees; they would only worship in the presence of an oak tree. Similarly, Zeus’s oldest sanctuary was an oak tree with a spring at its foot. To the Romans, meanwhile, the oak was seen as the property of Jupiter.

The temple of Baal, which is still standing today in Damascus, was built long ago in a sacred grove of oak trees. In many cultures around the world, the Oak tree was seen as a symbol of strength and longevity and was often considered to be the center point around which everything else revolved.

The ankh was a powerful symbol that represented fertility, strength, and protection. It showed that one could overcome any obstacle thrown their way.

Other oak tree symbolism includes authority, cosmic knowledge, balancing, money and healing.

Olive Tree (Olea europaea)

Olive tree
Olive tree

The Greeks were the first to grow olive trees seven thousand years ago, and if properly taken care of, they can live between three hundred to six hundred years. The oldest living tree is the Olive Tree of Vouves on the island of Crete; experts estimate it to be over three thousand years old.

The olive tree has been a sacred symbol to the Greeks for centuries, with roots (literally and figuratively) in Greek mythology, tradition, and history. It is believed that the goddess Athena planted the first olive tree on the hill of the Acropolis. The tree then became a symbol of Athens/Athena, and olive branches were used to make crowns and victory wreaths for competing athletes.

They were traditionally made of wild-olive leaves from a sacred tree near the temple of Zeus at Olympia. To this day, olives remain an important part of Greek culture—no other tree has been sung about or praised more by Greeks throughout history.

In Greece, there is an average of fourteen olive trees per resident. With a population of only eleven million people, that leaves over 156 million olive trees. As you could imagine, the Greeks export a hefty amount of olives and Olive Oil- 341 thousand tons to be precise.

Olive trees can grow up to 40 feet tall and produce extremely hard wood that is resistant to fire.

The Celts believed that the olive tree represented balance; thus, it was the official tree of the Autumnal Equinox.

The olive tree symbolism has a lot of meanings which include peace, wisdom, fertility, prosperity, health, victory, stability and fidelity.

Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Orange trees
Orange trees

The word orange has its origins in the Persian word “narang”, which evolved into “naranja”, and in French became orange. In English, it eventually came to mean both fruit and color.

There are six hundred types of oranges in the world. The fruits of the orange tree are also called oranges, which are berries that have been modified by nature.

Oranges are thought to have originated from China and India as long ago as 2500 BCE. For centuries, these oranges with a bitter taste were used more for their smell than being eaten.

Oranges and mandarin oranges are often seen on altars and shrines in Buddhist temples. They are also given as gifts during Chinese New Year.

The Bitter Orange tree is a versatile member of the Citrus family, producing three different essential oils. The fruit’s peel yields bitter orange essential oil; the flowers produce Neroli essential oil, and the leaves and twigs give us Petitgrain (bigarade) essential oil. “Bigarade” means it originates from the bitter orange tree. This incredible tree is one of nature’s most generous gifts.

Orange tree symbolism is associated with generosity, wisdom, honor, chastity and purity.

Palm Tree (Arecaceae)

Date palm tree
Date palm tree

There are more than 2,500 types of palm trees. The tallest ones can grow up to 200 feet! 5,000 years ago, archaeologists discovered that date palms were part of Mesopotamian society. In the broadest sense, however, a palm tree is any tropical tree species with a tall straight trunk and large leaves at the top.

Stone carvings suggest that the Assyrians believed a palm tree beside a stream was the ultimate symbol of eternity.

According to the Qabalah, the palm tree is a symbol for Judea and those who left Egypt with Moses.

Christ’s followers cut palms from trees and placed them in his path as he entered Jerusalem at the beginning of the modern era. It is believed that Franciscan missionaries introduced palms to California, where they have become a symbol for Hollywood production and films.

The fruit of some palms is edible, including coconuts (Cocos nucifera), dates (Phoenix dactylifera), acai berries from the acai palm (Euterpe oleracea), and betel nuts from the areca palm (Areca catechu). Betel nuts are one of the most popular psychoactive substances in the world, behind only nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. Palm oil is extracted from the Elaeis guineensis tree; it is found in the center of its fruit.

Palm tree symbolism includes victory, triumphant, peace, eternal life, resurrection and male strength.

Pine Tree (Pinus)

Pine trees
Pine trees

Although there are over one hundred species of pine trees, only some live to be a thousand years old and reach impressive heights. The majority of pines grow to less than 150 feet tall. Pines require very little water compared to other plants and can fully flourish in direct sunlight.

At high altitudes upwards of 13,000 feet, pine trees remain green due to the lack of oxygen at those elevations. Bristlecone Pine Trees- which exist in Inyo National forest located in California- have been around for five thousand years making them the oldest known type of pine tree.

Pine branches grow horizontally from the center trunk. These star-shaped growths are called whorls, and the tree can produce one or two of those each year. Pine needles serve as foliage and stay on the tree permanently, which is why it’s named an evergreen.

The pine tree is a highly revered symbol in Korea and is seen as a divine, wise being. It produces coffins for the dead to transport them into the afterlife safely.

The pine tree is a popular symbol of the new year in China and is also regarded as song shù or just sōng. It represents longevity, virtue, and solitude.

The pine was a sacred tree to the Mithraic cult of ancient Rome. To celebrate Saturnalia (December 17-25), the Romans would decorate pine trees with ornaments representing Bacchus and small clay dolls called sigillaria.

Pine tree symbolism is often associated with immortality, eternity, fertility, enlightenment and regeneration.

Redwood Tree (Sequoia sempervirens)

Redwood trees
Redwood trees

The age difference between redwoods and humans is staggering! Redwoods have been around for about 240 million years, while humans have only existed for 200,000 years. Additionally, redwoods are the tallest tree on Earth, towering at just under four hundred feet.

The only place redwoods grow is a narrow strip along California’s Pacific coast. They are staggeringly large and tall, but their root system is shallow, usually only extending six to twelve feet underground. Rather than growing independently, the roots of these brilliant redwoods intertwine with those of other trees to create strength and endurance.

Furthermore, they can communicate with each other through this network; sharing nutrients and working together to ensure the survival of the species.

The thickness of the bark can exceed two feet. The redwoods have high levels of tannins that prevent rot and insect damage. The metasequoia, also called the Dawn Redwood, was believed to be extinct until 1941 when a living specimen was discovered in China. It is considered a living fossil from 150 million years ago.

The redwoods have been called nature’s cathedral and for good reason. In many places, the trees growing in circles resemble those old stone cathedrals.

Redwood tree symbolism includes longevity, strength, invincibility, vital heaven and Earth connection and eternity.

Rowan Tree (Sorbus aucuparia)

Rowan tree
Rowan tree

The rowan is a fruit-bearing tree that belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Most species have bright orange or red fruit, while some Asian varieties bear pink, yellow, or white fruit. The fruits are soft and juicy.

The Rowan tree was a sacred Celtic symbol of new beginnings, and nine such trees were burned during Beltane and Imbolc celebrations. In homes, rowan branches were displayed for protection, or planted in cemeteries to shield the dead from evil spirits.

Additionally, rowans that grew out of older trees (such as an epiphyte) or unlikely rock crevices were called Flying Rowans– carrying extra magical power because they were seen as airborne and never having touched the ground.

According to tradition, rowan, hawthorn, and elder trees are designated fairy trees. It is forbidden to cut the rowan tree for any reasons other than sacred ones.

According to Nordic mythology, the first woman was born from a rowan tree.

Rowan tree symbolism has many meanings which include psychic powers, fairy tree, death, rebirth and protection against enchantment.

Sassafras Tree (Sassafras Albidum)

Sassafras trees
Sassafras trees

The sassafras tree is a beautiful tree with colorful leaves in autumn and a potent smell. It can be grown as one taller tree or as multiple, shorter trees close together. The fruit it produces in the fall is dark blue and berry-like.

They usually grow to be twenty to sixty feet high and twenty-five to forty feet wide. Its leaves are small in comparison, being only five to seven inches long. Another notable trait of the tree is that its leaves are polymorphic; this means that each leaf can take on different shapes, such as three-lobed, mitten-shaped, or egg-shaped. However, most of the time there are only three lobes present per leaf.

Sassafras is a herb that has many uses. It was used by Native Americans for food and medicine long before European settlers arrived. The bark of the sassafras tree was one of the first exports from the New World to Europe. In the southern United States, roots were boiled, then combined with molasses, and allowed to ferment into root beer – which is still popular today!

Sassafras grows throughout North America and parts of Asia. This plant has a distinct smell and flavor, but it’s also known for being able to repel mosquitos naturally.

The sassafras tree symbolism is associated with prosperity, healing, tenacity, whimsy, changes, fairness and triple goddess.

Willow Tree (Salix)

Willow tree
Willow tree

The slender willow tree can grow up to ten feet in a single year. It needs plentiful water and frequently appears in swampy areas as a result. The roots of the willow are both deep and wide, excellent for preventing erosion on banks or heights. There are more than four hundred unique species of Salix trees worldwide.

The weeping willow got its name from the way rain falls off its branches, looking like falling tears. Short-lived compared to other trees, the weeping willow has a life span of about thirty years.

Kids enjoy playing on willow trees because of their low, arched branches. Baby deer often scratch the itchy new growth on their antlers against the tree’s bark. This happens because willows contain salicylic acid—the active ingredient in aspirin—which provides relief for growing horns.

Willows also exude a serious tone. They have been symbols of death and loss, but can magic and mystery to mind. As an example, in William Shakespeare’s Othello, the character Desdemona sings the “Willow Song” in her state of despair. In Hamlet, poor Ophelia sits on a willow branch by the river and falls in when it snaps off; she then drowns.

Willows and magic have a long-standing association in Greek mythology. Hecate, the goddess of the underworld and one of the most powerful figures in Greek myth, was the tutelary deity of both willows and moonlight. She was associated with witchcraft and sorcery.

Willow tree symbolism has many meanings which include enchantment, immortality creativity, protection, flexibility, lunar attunement, moon cycles and healing.

Yew Tree (Taxus)

Yew tree
Yew tree

The yew tree is a deceiver; it wants no trace of how or where it lived. The yew tree can live to be three thousand years old, but you’d never know because the trunk hollows out naturally over time, and as a result, there are no growth rings. Out of the hollowed trunk sprouts new trees that allow the species to live indefinitely.

Upon encountering the yew tree during their invasion of England and Ireland, the Romans were dumbfounded and claimed that it must have come from hell.

The yew tree is a representation of both life and death to the Celts. The tree is poisonous yet also representative of protection and longevity keeping it in a position of power. It was one of their most sacred trees because of this duality.

The yew fairy lives inside the yew tree. It is said that she carries the breath of ancient wisdom and can help future generations. She is also believed to be able to put you in touch with people who have died and gone to the next world. The gifts she has to include perspective, so we can see our troubles are small compared to those of past generations’ sufferings. You should never cut down a yew tree without her permission, or you may meet your ancestors sooner than expected.

The yew tree symbolism is often associated with Yggdrasil, the meaning of life, nine worlds, rebirth, resilience, other world travel, purification, death, transportation to the afterlife and guardian of the underworld.


Trees are some of the most important symbols in many cultures and religions around the world.

They can represent a wide range of concepts, such as change, vitality, energy, wisdom, knowledge, learning, and youthfulness.

By understanding the symbolism associated with different trees, we can better appreciate their importance in our lives.