Myrtle Tree Symbolism and Meanings

 6 min read

There are some plants that, when I think of them, instantly transport me to a place of magic and mystery. The otherworldly myrtle—with its fragrant leaves loved and revered by the ancient world—is one of those plants.

The Myrtle tree has a long history of symbolism and sacred associations in various cultures. In addition to representing love, youth, weddings, fertility, healing, money, peace, and joy, the Myrtle tree has also been considered sacred in ancient Sumerian and Greek mythologies.

The dried leaves or flowers can be carried in a sachet to attract love or money while placing the leaves, flowers, or wood on an altar can serve as a magickal correspondence. Myrtle wood can also be used near the bed to promote youth and beauty, or planted near the home to invite peace and love.

Additionally, a Myrtle branch can even be used as a wand in certain rituals or practices. Overall, the Myrtle tree offers a wealth of symbolism and potential uses in various spiritual or magickal practices.

Divine Associations:Aphrodite, Artemis (both Greek)
Astrological Association:Venus

About Myrtle Trees

Myrtle trees
Myrtle trees

Myrtus is a genus of mostly white-flowered, aromatic evergreen plants that grow in mild climates and prefer full sun and well-drained soils, including chalk. The opposite leaves are entire and pinnately veined.

The dense Greek myrtle (M. communis or M. italica) has many aromatic leaves and white flowers that bloom in the summertime. Its ovate-to-lanceolate leaves can get up to 2in (5cm) long, and produce a potent smell when crushed. Furthermore, the ¾in (1.8cm)-across flowers boast an impressive two to the three-celled ovary with countless ovules per cell.

Finally, the stunning purple-black berries are persistently crowned with calyx lobes.

Practical Uses

People have grown myrtle since ancient times for its edible berries and Mirto, a national drink of Sardinia comes from these berries.

Natural Healing

Although seldom employed in herbal medicine, Myrtle leaves can serve as an astringent and antiseptic wash.

The 1898 King’s American Dispensatory provides directions for using a diluted tincture of the herb as a douche to treat leucorrhoea or uterine prolapse, or externally as relief from haemorrhoids.

Folklore, Myth and Symbol of Myrtle Trees

Myrtle flowers and berries
Myrtle flowers and berries

Myrtle is mentioned as a sacred, special tree in the grove of gods in the ancient Sumerian text, the Epic of Gilgamesh.

The myrtle was believed to possess the power of Aphrodite, who could create and perpetuate love. Consequently, it played an important role in ancient wedding ceremonies when couples wore festive myrtle wreaths. The initiates of Eleusinian Mysteries were also crowned with the myrtle during religious rites. According to mythology, the myrtle originated from Paradise.

The city of Sida was founded upon the legend of Artemis, the goddess of nature, appearing as a hare disappearing into a myrtle tree. Even at the time Pausanias visited (roughly 150 AD), this myrtle tree was still held in high regard by locals.

Upon Aeneas’s arrival at the site where Prince Polydore of Troy was killed, he found a thicket of cornel trees and myrtles. After making an offering to Venus (Aphrodite), Aeneas heard Polydore’s ghost speaking from within the foliage. Aeneas and his companions then carried out a formal funeral for the prince before his soul could move on.

The Roman goddess Venus had two myrtle trees that grew in front of her temple – the Patrician Tree and the Plebeian Tree. According to legend, their growth represented a power struggle between the senate (Patricians) and the people (Plebeians).

Myrtle Tree Meanings

Myrtle Tree
Myrtle Tree


Myrtle’s love magic is potent and enduring. It is associated with love goddesses such as Venus, Aphrodite, and Hathor. The dainty yet hearty leaves of myrtle, as well as the vigorous but ethereal blooms, reflect its alignment with romantic love (a delicate yet strong condition).

Like myrtle, romantic love has some qualities that are fleeting and others that can last a lifetime.


Myrtle trees confer a sense of peace and can help to establish it in any kind of relationship, whether between two people or within a larger group.


Given that Myrtle is aligned with the element of water and goddesses who revel in luxury, she can assist us in manifesting wealth.

Passage Between the Worlds

The Greek city Sida is rumored to be the site where Artemis, in the form of a rabbit, disappeared into a myrtle tree. This story speaks to myrtle’s ability to act as a portal from our world into supernatural realms of wildness and power.

If you’re looking for some magical assistance related to visiting other planes – such as the realm of faeries, or the underworld – look no further than this potent plant.


What does myrtle symbolize in the Bible?

The Myrtle tree holds significant symbolism in both the Hebrew and Christian traditions, particularly about the season of Advent.

In Judaism, Myrtle branches were used as part of the Sukkot holiday, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles. During this festival, Myrtle branches were included in four species of plants that were waved and praised for their beauty and scent. In Christianity, Myrtle branches are often used during Advent as a symbol of spiritual growth and resurrection.

This symbolism comes from a passage in the book of Isaiah where Myrtle trees are described as being planted by God himself to provide beauty and fragrance to his holy city.

Thus, the Myrtle tree serves as a reminder during Advent to cultivate spiritual growth and prepare for Christ’s eventual resurrection.

What is the meaning of myrtle Leaf?

In Ancient Greece, the Myrtle leaf was a symbol of love and fertility. It was also used in weddings, with brides wearing garlands made from Myrtle leaves and branches used as decoration on marriage beds.

Myrtle leaves were also believed to have healing properties, used to treat respiratory infections and digestive issues. In religious symbolism, Myrtle leaves represent peace and prosperity; they are important in the Jewish tradition as one of the species used in making the ceremonial lulav during Sukkot.

Overall, Myrtle leaves have deep roots in the symbolism associated with love, healing, peace, and fertility.


The myrtle tree is a symbol of hope and love. It is also known for its cleansing properties and its ability to promote good health.

If you are looking for a tree that represents all of these things, the myrtle tree is a perfect choice.